The 7 Elements Of Design

Design is all around us: at the bus stop, in our office spaces, on neighbourhood signage, in apartment buildings, and draped across storefronts. But, these design pieces are often ambient, blending into the background of our lives as we tornado through our days.

The folks who birth these design pieces spend a lifetime perfecting the tricks of the trade. Beautiful communication design is part knowledge, part intuition and a whole lot of experience.

Sometimes, a great piece of design can come across as purely random; concocted in the inner sanctum of a designer’s whirling and colourful mind. But, it is far from random. Just like with chemistry, it takes a very particular combination of elements to make a conceptual, timeless, piece of design that sticks.

Whether you’re a graphic designer, a business in need of marketing, or a client providing feedback to a graphic designer, we can all gain a greater appreciation for design in our day to day lives.

Brush up on the seven elements of design, so you can be more mindful of what it takes to make the creative that powers our lives:



And there you have it. Now, keep in mind, not every design must contain all seven elements. Less can often be more. But, don’t forget, great designs require good chemistry and for that, you need to include a few tried, tested and true elements.

We challenge you to spend one day this week experiencing the design world around you. Can you find the seven elements of design in everyday life? 

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